Belan Tamil Christian albums ..all-new 80 songs so far..still counting God’s abundant Grace.!.
As a divinely anointed couple, both musically and lyrically gifted, John Prince and Vasanthy Prince have been prolific composers, known for their Tamil Christian Gospel albums Belan Vol 1 through Vol 7, touching and blessing lives. Through their signature renditions set to indigenous tunes and instruments, these Tamil albums delightfully embrace the Word of God, turning them into an enduring source of strength, joy, hope, and promise to its listeners.
Journey began! The Belan Journey started in 2007, not realizing that the Springs of Creativity flows unabated and pure. It is from God and God alone without human ambition. Yes, never the desire to produce gospel albums came up in our mind, though singing and strumming were always a gift that we both cherished since we were young.
Little did we know that A Journey has begun. The very first album titled ‘Belan-Jesus is my Strength’ came out in 2007, 8 original tunes &lyrics, sung by John & Vasanthy dedicated & blessed by Great men of God, Senior Pastor Rev.Sam Sundaram @ ACA Chennai and by Senior Pastor Rev.D. Mohan @ New Life Assemblies of God and by Rev.K.Steven @ Praise Evangelical Church, Singapore.
Thereafter, it was no stopping for Belan album series. Belan 2 was dedicated by the Great man of God Bro. Mohan C Lazarus & Bishop Rt Rev Jeya Paul David in 2008 and Belan 3 & 4 by Senior Pastor Rev Ratnam Paul @ Fort of Praise in 2010 & 2011. Belan 5 along with Belan Video was dedicated in 2013 by Great men of God Bishop Ezra Sargunam, Pastor Sam P Chelladurai, Eva Bro. Sadhu Chellappa, Eva Dr.John Solomon, Senior Pastor Rev. Swarnaraj and also Blessed by other senior servants of God Sis Rani Roberts, Rev.Dr.Daniel Moses, Rev.Dr. Lawrence Gunasekaran. Belan 6 was dedicated by Pst. Caleb Joshua in 2017 and Belan 7 by Pst Ratnam Paul in 2019.
The journey thus far! It continued as ‘Unstoppable’ in Belan 2, as ‘My Redeemer’ in Belan 3, thankful for the ‘Journey thus far’ in Belan 4, desired to ‘Revive me Oh Lord’ in Belan 5, and cried ‘from the depths’ in Belan 6. And ‘into the Abundance’ in Belan 7.. over 12 years of proclaiming His Voice !!! Thanks to Great Music arrangements by Gem Gabriel up to Belan 1-5 & Stephen Renswick for Belan 6 & 7.
The Princes through their maiden English Album ‘Sing to the King’ in 2018, delivered something fresh, a departure from their past albums along with the next-gen voices of Jen and Abi. The mission goes on… This latest album uses scriptural verses mostly for its lyrics including entire sections of Psalms, which makes it great for its listeners, to be listening to the Word of God consuming it in the form of music. Prem Joseph and his international team have created and arranged music contemporary to our times so the lyrics continue to be uplifting to its listeners and the glorious music going Heavenward unto Him from whom all goodness flows.
Psalms, when set to music help draw the worshipper to become prepared to commune with God. King David, the man after God’s heart sang many of his prayers to the Lord. David composed at least half of the Psalms, which were to be sung, not just read. ‘The Prophetic Indulgence’ in all of Belan albums thus is sure to serve well for those seeking to progress on their personal spiritual journey, choosing to use it as a part of their daily devotion.
Going forward! by His grace expect new ones, 8++ as you keep cherishing the old ones, they are now available in all digital platforms.
When a new Gospel music album hits the shelves, listeners are keen to know who it’s from. At times there are fresh energetic voices on the album, at other times comfortingly familiar ones. What we have in Belan are two very well-known voices in the Tamil Gospel Music Industry today. Now they are stepping into Telugu and Hindi with some of their well-received Songs translated sung in the same voices that refreshed listeners in Tamil.
May your Victory find you & your miracle be door delivered as you listen and sink in His presence. May God’s visitation happen even while you sleep, as he did for Jacob. God, you Bless with His ‘Belan’ through Belan songs!